Yesterday, I bit off more than I could chew, and so today I decided to keep it simple: see Central Accra. There were some tall buildings, but they paled in comparison to the hustle and bustle of the seemingly endless stalls, stores and sellers- I walked for about 2 hours, and I’m sure I didn’t see everything.
Local cuisine: I had trouble finding anywhere to sit down and eat, so I ate on the go, getting some small bananas (from the lady in the bottom picture), grounds nuts (sort of like peanuts out of the shell), and drinking from a fresh coconut (see top picture)! Some other local treats I saw but didn’t eat: lots of fish, vegetables I couldn’t identify, and some sort of snail/shelled ocean creature- and I’m pretty sure I saw one still moving around!
Night life: The past few nights, once the sun’s gone down, I’ve stayed at the hotel. Tonight, I decided to be more adventurous, and ventured out on my own, on a search for jollof rice, which is rice mixed with red stuff, and it’s kinda spicy. I got mine with some pieces of beef, for a grand total of 80 cents.
TV and Movies: Coming to Ghana, I left behind my beloved trashy reality television, but thanks to the TV in my room at the hotel, I’ve gotten a taste of Ghanian television entertainment. Ghana has its own television stations, and a film industry, but also Nigerian and other African shows/films are popular- movie titles include “Commando” (I think it’s about someone in the military, and likely has nothing to do with the American meaning of the word!) and “Hot Fork”. As I write this, X-Men: the Last Stand is on TV; other US imports include Friends and CSI: Miami.
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